Sunday, May 24, 2020

Three Main Reasons why One Committs Plagiarism Essay examples

You thief, you thief, was angrily yelled out. Harsh words that no man wants to be called. The American Heritage College Dictionary defines thief as: â€Å"One who steals† (American Heritage College Dictionary, 2004). A premise can be seen if a person creates, writes or establishes a concept, and if another person uses their work without giving the originator proper credit; then one can conclude that plagiarism has been conducted. The dangers of committing plagiarism first starts in a person heart regardless if one is a Christian or not; however, this paper will attempt to provide three main reasons why one commits plagiarism and a Christian perspectives on those dangers. Plagiarism is committed more often than inspected. It’s done†¦show more content†¦Greek History provides a background on stealing was authorized. Ephesians 4:28 states: â€Å"Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have s omething to share with anyone in need†(English Standard Version). Dr. Constable extracts Robertson’s argument that â€Å"Stealing was not wholly condemned by ancient heathen opinion. It was even allowed by the Lacedaemonians. It was a vice into which the recently converted living in the old pagan surroundings, especially when unemployed, might all too readily slip. It has been thought strange; scarcely credible indeed, that professing Christians in these Asiatic churches would have given way to thieving. But the Epistles bear witness to the existence of grosser offenses against morality in the churches.† Paul now offers a corrective to stealing, in the words, â€Å"but rather let him be laboring, working with his own hands that which is good, in order that he may be having wherewith to be sharing with the one who is having need† (Constable, 2014). Another assessment is reviewed from the â€Å"Printed Versus Internet Plagiarism: A Study of Studentsâ€℠¢ Perception,† which argues that the majority of internet sources does not provide enough information about the author to cite it as a source; as well as, due to the lack of knowledge and clarity in properly citing internet sources (Baruchson-Arbib, and Yaari, 2004, 6). In the Eternity Bible College’s Theology for Real

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